ProStar News
All you need to know about the Nexus ProStar
Traveling through intergalactic regions
Hi everyone,
I regret to inform you that our shipment of Nexus ProStar paddles has been delayed due to complications in space customs. While our shipment was not part of any contraband, another shipment on the same transport was found to contain illegal items. As a result, the Intergalactic Space Agency seized several shipments, including ours, leading to this delay.
I will keep this page updated with any new information about the status of our shipment. I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. I understand that many of you have been waiting for months, and I deeply appreciate your patience and support for my small business.
I am anticipating that we will be able to ship and fulfill your orders by the beginning of August. To show my gratitude, I will be including extra goodies with all preorders as a thank you for your understanding and loyalty. Please continue to check back for updates, and don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I am always here for my fellow agents!
Thank you for your business and support.